Sunday, January 30, 2011

and I was like: hmmmmm

I was checking my email the other day and guess what? Someone had sent me an email! No it was not full of comments or how much she/he loved my blog but how much I was wrong. She/he finds that Emma Watson's new haircut is, I quote: atrocious. 

Here is her/his email that she/he sent to me.  

Dear Ms. Fashion,

Why I'm emailing you is because 
think that Emma's new haircut is atrocious! I don't think its very chic, but everyone disagrees. Please don't email back, (not being rude, or anything) but simply think about my words, and think about how you really think about Emma's new haircut. Thank you.


Haircut Police

I think that everyone has an opinion, I think that Emma's hair is cool but you might not.  I want to see what other people think. If you look on the sidebar, there is a poll. Round up your friends! This is a blog wide debate! Email me (my email is on the side bar) if you have something to say! I am so happy that the Hair Police emailed me! 

I also want to say thank you, Hair Police! You have given me a great idea for a post and I hope you email me more in the future! I hope others send me emails as well! 

Now have your friends fill out the poll!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

  1. I'd like to start by saying I LOVE Emma's haircut. The week of Christmas 2010 I cut my shoulder-length hair into a super short pixie and I absolutely adore it. It was probably the riskiest and best decision I ever made. I had been chickening out since last May and I finally went for it. I will say that I was worried about how other people would look at me and feel about it but in the end I decided I could totally rock it and my confidence has skyrocketed! I've got nothing negative to say about that cut at all! :)


I hope you enjoyed that post...tell me what you think!! Be sure to also click on the poll above!!